April 20, 2009

Hi everyone. We have made our way to Havelock which is the gateway to Pelorous Sound. We had a good trip along the east coast of the South Island. We stayed for two days in Kaikouri and despite the never lifting fog, we explored the sea shore and got really close to a few sleeping fur seals. The boys enjoyed the big waves and spent hours seeing how far they could go out on the rocks without getting wet. Long story short, we were all soaked by the time we got back to our room.

Tomorrow we get on the mail boat to make our way to Tira Ora, our first WWOOF experience. The retreat/farm is 500 acres of remote farm and rain forest along the shores of the Pelorous Sound. You can check out the place we will be working at tira-ora-lodge.com. I know we will be helping with the normal to-dos around the place as well as helping plant a pomogranite orchard. I am looking forward to it. There will also be plenty of space for the boys to run which should really help Gina and I have some extended quiet time. We will be staying at least one week with the option of staying as long as we want. I don't know if we will have internet so you may not hear from us for a while.

Please continue to pray for us. We love you all.


  1. Oh, that place sounds wonderful!! Maybe we'll come and join you! : )
    Mike & Marsha

  2. Great pics. I love you guys. I have been thinking about you and praying for you. What a great experience this is. I know you will have some great stories.

    I will keep in touch!


  3. We miss you guys! It sounds like you are having an amazing time. Tell William his friend Megan Mead is missing him. :)

    Thanks for the card...


  4. Hey, thanks for the inspiration. I just created my Blogspot. www.mikeatmcnish.blogspot.com.

    Now I don't have to be Anonymous! :)

  5. It looks like you're having an amazing trip! This is Megan Mead from William's class. I am exccited to see where you have been visiting. Our class is excited for you to come back and tell us about your adventures. What day are you coming back to school? If you want to write to me you can write me at my mom's email: rlmead@chartermi.net. Hope you are having lots of fun. from, Megan
